The DNA for Longevity

Platelet-Rich Plasma

Accelerate the healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints.

The O shot uses a clinically proven trademarked technique called platelet rich plasma PRP therapy to rejuvenate the genital area, increase blood flow, improve stress incontinence, and urge incontinence issues, improve the aesthetic look, enhance natural lubrication, and enhance sexual pleasure by increasing orgasm.

The platelets immediately activate the bodies of localized stem cells and begin rejuvenating and revitalizing the G spot tissue and enhance clitoral function. This rejuvenation process helps women experience orgasms with sexual intercourse and increases the strength of the orgasms.


Immediately larger. Strengthen the penis. Straighten the penis

  • Increase circulation in the penis for a healthier organ.
  • Makes other therapies work better such as Viagra or Cialis.
  • Increase sensation of pleasure and helps correct the damage from diabetes.
  • Enhance firmness and size.
  • Strengthen and straighten the penis with conditions such as Pyronine’s disease.
  • Restore tissue and vascularity.
  • Helps with premature ejaculation..

The Vampire Facelift trademarked procedure uses your own blood to prepare a product enabling the administration of your concentrated platelets and tissue building elements (Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP). In the Vampire Facelift, PRP can be injected under the eyes, forehead, cheeks, jawline, neck, and smile lines as well as into deep wrinkles to stimulate collagen regrowth allowing the area to tighten and regain the youthful glow that you once had. There is also hyaluronic acid dermal filler involved usually Juvéderm or Restylane to enhance areas that need volume and shaping until the new collagen is regenerated. Skin rejuvenation with PRP can be done on the neck, décolleté, and back of hands as well.

Vampire Facelift® Benefits
• Can be used on various areas of the body.
• Restore and rebuild your own collagen.
• Minimally invasive procedure and little downtime.
• Helps minimize sun damage.
• Smooths, tightens, refines, and brightens skin.
• Improves texture of skin and elasticity of the dermis.
• Helps shrink pores.
• Rehydrates dry dull skin.

Vampire Breast Lift Certified Provider

The vampire breast lift combines the science of concentrated and activated platelet rich plasma (PRP) s and hyaluronic acid acid fillers to deliver a custom-designed procedure that not only restores a more useful contour and volume but also improves skin quality. This procedure will help with diminished cleavage, diminished fullness and cleavage, and wrinkly chest skin . With the vampire breast left you should notice gradual changes and increase in breast texture and tone. According to the vampire breast lift website results should last up to two years. This procedure also helps to enhance cleavage as well as volume of the breasts. Utilizing platelet rich plasma which stimulates your own growth factors and collagen production as well as dermal filler to shape and increase size.

Benefits include:

• Larger and enhance breasts without surgery.
• If implants are placed, rippling is less visible and hidden with this procedure.
• Minimal downtime.
• Natural results.
• Minimally invasive.
• Can reduce appearance of stretch marks.
• Improvement in breast and nipple sensitivity

Vampire Breast Lift Certified Provider

The Vampire Facial is a procedure that uses platelet rich plasma and is done using micro needling to infuse the PRP into your skin.
• Improve the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
• Enhance collagen synthesis.
• Reduce the size of the skin pores.
• Helps decrease acne scars.
• Improve the texture of your skin.
• Give you a youthful glow and smoother skin.
• Helps to decrease melasma and sun damage.

Vampire Breast Lift Certified Provider

PRP for Hair Restoration

PRP hair restoration is suitable for both men and women. It is a state-of-the-art, nonsurgical, totally natural, alternative medical procedure used for the treatment of hair loss or hair thinning. It is an injectable treatment which uses the patient’s own blood.

Our blood plasma contains active growth factors which can promote hair growth. Helping to restore one’s confidence the end result is a fuller healthier looking head of hair.

Vampire Breast Lift Certified Provider

PRP for Joint Restoration

Research studies are currently being conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of PRP treatment. At this time, the results of these studies are inconclusive because the effectiveness of PRP therapy can vary. Factors that can influence the effectiveness of PRP treatment include:

  • The area of the body being treated
  • The overall health of the patient
  • Whether the injury is acute (such as from a fall) or chronic (an injury developing over time)


What Conditions are Treated with PRP?

PRP Injections can treat a number of conditions for the hip, knee, arm, shoulder, lower leg and feet. It is best to consult with your physician for a complete listing. However, below is an abbreviated list of conditions that can be treated with PRP.

  • Acute muscle tears and strains
  • Chronic Tendinopathies (tennis elbow, Achilles tendon, patellar tendon and rotator cuff)
  • Ligament injuries (ie: medial or lateral collateral ligament—MCL/LCL)
  • Osteoarthritis
Why Use PRP Injections?
Platelet injections are an alternative to surgery. Ideal candidates would be those who prefer a less invasive option to surgery or those who are unable to undergo a surgery. It also allows for a much quicker recovery period and is much less painful than a surgery.

It is important that patients considering this therapy find a doctor with experience in these types of injections. It is more likely to have a favorable outcome if the doctor administering the injections is experienced and skilled.

What are PRP Injections?
Platelet Rich Plasma Injections are used to stimulate healing using one’s own blood components. The physician will withdraw your blood, put the blood into a centrifuge where the platelets are extracted (platelets are now known to release healing proteins known as growth factors) and then inject that solution directly into the injured site using an ultrasound guided technique to ensure proper placement. These proteins then stimulate repair and regeneration at the site, offering the patient pain relief and quicker healing rates. In most cases, 1-3 injections are required.
How is PRP administered?
PRP therapy, which takes approximately twenty minutes to complete, begins with collection of 30 milliliters of the patient’s blood. The blood sample is placed in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma from the other components of whole blood. Doctors then inject the concentrated platelets into the site of the injury often using ultrasound guidance for accuracy. Platelets function as a natural reservoir for growth factors that are essential to repair injured tissues. The growth factors that the platelets secrete stimulate tissue recovery by increasing collagen production, enhancing tendon stem cell proliferation, and tenocyte-related gene and protein expression. These growth factors also stimulate blood flow and cause cartilage to become more firm and resilient. PRP activates tenocytes to proliferate quickly and produce collagen to repair injured tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and muscles.
How Quickly does PRP Work?

Most patients see some improvement within 2-6 weeks. The pain becomes less and less as the weeks pass with most clinical trials reporting improvement up to 6-9 months post injection.

Is there any Patient who would Not Be a Good Candidate for PRP?

Patients with severe anemia, low platelet count, abnormal platelet function, active systemic infection or those with an active cancer are not recommended to be administered PRP.

What is the Future of PRP?

As people seek out alternative options to surgery for injuries and other conditions, therapies such as PRP will become more in demand. Not only are patients excited about it but physicians are as well as it gives them more options to offer their patients. Treating patients with their own body components is revolutionary and more than likely just the beginning of these forms of treatment. Further research will occur and the use of these treatments will continue as long as they prove to be effective.

Is PRP therapy a substitute for surgery? Why does it (in theory) work?

Not necessarily. While many chronic conditions may respond to PRP therapy, obviating the need for a surgical procedure, it is impossible to predict which will respond and which will fail to do so. A chronic, incompletely healed condition is characterized by excessive scar tissue within the tendon/ligament. This may lead to impaired joint function or leave the tendon or ligament susceptible to re-injury or complete disruption. This inferior, or in some cases, aborted, healing process is due to poor blood supply to the injury site. Most tendons have a poor blood supply and often are the site of microscopic tears or chronic scarring. The body naturally has a difficult time healing these structures. PRP is thought to initiate a response that makes the chronic condition appear to be a new injury, and thus, provoke a new/renewed healing response. This new healing response is then augmented by the super-concentrated healing factors contained within the PRP. Therefore, with PRP therapy in combination with appropriate reconditioning, we may improve the chance of healing and diminish the opportunity for escalation of the injury. A positive result may lead to a decrease need for surgical intervention.

Which injuries can PRP therapy successfully treat?

Unfortunately, there is no randomized, prospective, double-blind clinical trial that documents the efficacy of PRP treatment. For this reason, most insurance companies will not support (read: pay for or “cover”) PRP treatment. Moreover a standard treatment regimen does not yet exist (i.e. Number of injections required, spacing between injections given in series, rehabilitation protocol during and after a series, etc); however, PRP is being used with regularity at the highest levels of sport and in the most highly compensated athletes in the world today. Claims of successful treatment are purely anecdotal; case reports abound of successful PRP treatment of almost any malady. Conditions that can be treated successfully with PRP therapy include the shoulder involving: rotator cuff tendinitis, impingement, bursitis, and bicipital tendinitis; In the wrist and hand involving: DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis, tendinitis, ligament tears; In the elbow involving: tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow; the hip involving iliotibial band tendinitis (ITB Syndrome), ilio-psoas tendinitis and bursitis, greater trochanteric bursitis, sacroiliac joint dysfunction; the knee involving: patellar tendinitis, partially torn or strained major knee ligaments (LCL/MCL); the ankle and foot involving: Achilles tendinitis, peroneal tendinitis, recurrent ankle sprains, and other foot or ankle tendinitis; neck and back involving: facet joint arthritis, rib problems. I believe PRP treatment is best reserved for incomplete, chronic degeneration and tears of extra-articular ligaments and tendons. I also believe that ultrasound guidance is essential to accuracy of placement and enhancing efficacy of the injection. More research is needed to determine the best use and protocol for successful application of this, admittedly, emerging technique.

Why is PRP not restricted for athletes in a way that human growth hormone (HGH) is?

Athletes use HGH as a performance enhancer even though there’s no good evidence that it does anything to enhance performance or improve strength or endurance, etcetera. And there’s nothing that says that HGH enhances healing. Now PRP is certainly not in any way a performance enhancer. It’s more about enhancing the body’s own healing response. Soneone who’s had PRP therapy is not at some kind of competitive advantage over someone who hasn’t had it. The platelets secrete completely different growth factors than HGH.

Are you involved in any of the clinical studies going on now?

We are. At the N.Y.U. Hospital for Joint Diseases orthopedic department we are in the middle of some studies, especially on the rotator cuff. For the rotator cuff we’re comparing placebo, corticosteroid [anti-inflammatory] and platelet-rich plasma. We’re probably at least one year away from having results.

Have you done multiple injections for your patients?

I have [for] a few patients with Achilles tendon and patella tendon problems. I’ve never done more than two injections. The second injections have helped. Anyone that I’ve done a second injection for, it’s been at least two to three months [after the first injection].

Tiger Woods had several injections for his patella tendon. Can one injection have a healing effect or are multiple injections usually needed?

There is a study out there where, for patellar tendonitis, they’ve done one injection a week for three weeks. And the study says that they had good response but we don’t even know how that compares to just one injection. Theoretically, if I’m truly enhancing the body’s healing response, if I do the injection once and I give the body four to 12 weeks, then maybe it could heal with just the one injection. We know that [the condition] is chronic, it’s degenerative. The body certainly can’t heal such a condition in one week.

I’ve seen reports of people saying that it started to hurt at the site of injection. Have you had any patients telling you about pain following the treatment?

Definitely. A good example would be that gentleman I was talking to you about with the Achilles problem. After his first injection he was calling me almost daily saying that it was much worse than it was before the injection. So there’s no doubt that they can be very sore for upwards of even a couple of weeks. It’s already a very sensitive tendon and now all of sudden you’re taking a needle and you’re sticking it into that tendon and pushing this extra fluid in there. You’re increasing pressure and irritating the tissue which can lead to worsening pain early on. But the pain goes away after a couple of weeks.

How long would patients have to try these other things before you think PRP therapy is a good option?

A good general rule would probably be at least two to three months of failing other therapies. And many people that we use PRP for, it’s longer than that. It is a big out-of-pocket expense for patients. Insurance doesn’t cover it. The price ranges anywhere from $500 to $2,000. I don’t think it’s in the patients’ best interest to do it early on.

What are the alternative therapies?

Rest, modification of activity and then ultimately some type of rehabilitation program with stretching and strengthening.

What is PRP?

A large amount of growth factors are released at the site of injury upon injection. These platelets induce an inflammatory response to initiate healing. The platelets are able to restore tendons and ligamentous proteins as well as strengthen cartilage allowing it to become firmer and more resilient.

How Does PRP Work?

Although it is not exactly clear how PRP works, laboratory studies have shown that the increased concentration of growth factors in PRP can potentially speed up the healing process.

To speed healing, the injury site is treated with the PRP preparation. This can be done in one of two ways:

PRP can be carefully injected into the injured area. For example, in Achilles tendonitis, a condition commonly seen in runners and tennis players, the heel cord can become swollen, inflamed, and painful. A mixture of PRP and local anesthetic can be injected directly into this inflamed tissue. Afterwards, the pain at the area of injection may actually increase for the first week or two, and it may be several weeks before the patient feels a beneficial effect.

PRP may also be used to improve healing after surgery for some injuries. For example, an athlete with a completely torn heel cord may require surgery to repair the tendon. Healing of the torn tendon can possibly be improved by treating the injured area with PRP during surgery. This is done by preparing the PRP in a special way that allows it to actually be stitched into torn tissues.

Is PRP Painful?

Patients usually tolerate the injection well. However, there can be soreness after the injection due to the PRP-induced inflammatory response. You can expect swelling and soreness during the first 48 hours post injection and are given pain medication to help alleviate the discomfort.

Are these Injections Safe?

Platelet injections are safe. Since you are using your body’s own blood components and there are no foreign substances being injected into your body, the injections are considered safe.

However there is some minimal risk involved. During research studies and clinical trials, the only risk noted was that the injection could cause an infection to develop. This is not unique to platelet injections, anytime a person undergoes an injection there is this risk. But because there are no foreign bodies being injected and there is no concern of disease transmission, this therapy is considered to be safe.

Using one’s own body as a healing mechanism is a relatively new concept in the world of medicine, and an exciting one at that. As therapies such as these begin to prove they are beneficial and effective, you will likely see similar therapies develop in other medical areas.

Which injuries are usually treated with PRP therapy?

Injuries treated with PRP therapy include: rotator cuff, quadriceps, hamstring, Achilles tendon injuries and tennis elbow. Essentially any tendon or ligament injury except complete tears may be treated successfully with PRP. PRP therapy is exactly the treatment needed to reduce the downtime of the athlete while also reducing the chance for re-injury or perhaps the risk of a more serious injury that will result in surgical intervention or permanent disability.

Will I feel immediate results from PRP therapy?

You will feel a notable increase in pain in the days immediately following the injection. Pain intensity becomes less each day as functional mobility and general functional ability increase along with endurance and strength. You will notice gradual improvement 2-6 weeks after PRP therapy. Some patients report ongoing improvement 6-9 months after PRP therapy is administered. In some studies, Ultrasound and MRI images have shown definitive tissue repair has occurred after PRP therapy, supporting the proof of the healing process. By treating injured tissues before the damage progresses, surgical intervention may be avoided.

Who has used PRP therapy?

PRP treatment recently gained widespread recognition in the sports world when Hines Ward and Troy Polamalu of the Pittsburgh Steelers received PRP therapy prior to winning Super Bowl XLIII. Other high profile athletes include Tiger Woods who received four treatments following knee surgery and pitchers Takashi Saito and Bartolo Colon — both recent examples of PRP success in Major League Baseball.

What is Orthopaedic Specialists of North Carolina’s (OSNC’S) position on PRP Therapy?

Orthopaedic Specialists of North Carolina believes that implementing PRP therapy as a viable procedure may: decrease the progression of more serious injuries, decrease the overall time for healing, and ultimately decrease the overall need for surgical intervention. This promising adjunctive form of therapy holds the potential of healing previously problematic chronic injuries, provide a treatment option for debilitating injuries previously deemed untreatable, and serve as an alternative to surgical intervention.

Mark W. Galland, M. D., Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine, Orthopaedic Specialists of North Carolina (OSNC).

What Is Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP)?

Although blood is mainly a liquid (called plasma), it also contains small solid components (red cells, white cells, and platelets.) The platelets are best known for their importance in clotting blood. However, platelets also contain hundreds of proteins called growth factors which are very important in the healing of injuries.

PRP is plasma with many more platelets than what is typically found in blood. The concentration of platelets — and, thereby, the concentration of growth factors — can be 5 to 10 times greater (or richer) than usual.

To develop a PRP preparation, blood must first be drawn from a patient. The platelets are separated from other blood cells and their concentration is increased during a process called centrifugation. Then the increased concentration of platelets is combined with the remaining blood.

Do you think the results of the clinical trials that are coming out over the next year could change how PRP is used or how much it is used?

One way or the other, I think over the next six to 12 months it’ll significantly change the way we use PRP. That could be either in a positive way or in a negative way. Maybe that study is going to come out that says, yes, you do need a second injection or a third injection. Right now it’s very subjective how we all use it. Ongoing studies will determine proper usage, including timing and dosage.

The bottom line is that we don’t know enough about PRP therapy. It is safe. We’re using it. Anecdotally it certainly seems to have some positive effects. How much we’ll be using it in the future or what we’ll be using it for, those are all questions that really remain to be answered.

How have your patients done on PRP therapy?

I would say, anecdotally, the whole population overall has done fairly well. There are a number that haven’t noticed much response and then there’s a good number that have done well. I think that’s why we continue [to use it].

A good example is a patient that I have with an Achilles problem and he tried everything, everything, everything—went to other docs and he was all ready for surgery [to remove the scar tissue] and we did PRP therapy on him. He ended up with two sessions of therapy and he’s had a great cure that seems to be related to PRP. And then I’ve had some people, runners with chronic hamstring injury, and they will tell me they haven’t noticed a difference.

I’d probably say that maybe 60 percent of my patients do better.

If there isn’t good evidence yet, why do you give PRP therapy to your patients?

There is some evidence from cohort studies, and anecdotally we’ve had some good experiences where we still think it’s worthwhile to offer it to some patients. The ones that we offer it to have failed other types of conservative therapy.

Could you give me an idea of what those studies have told you about how well PRP therapy works?

Many of the studies early on are animal studies and lab studies. Many of those have been very positive for PRP in terms of tendon-healing effects. That’s part of that lack of evidence. It’s great that the animal studies look good but you need human studies.

Are any clinical trials currently going on?

Absolutely. In the next six months to a year, we should really start seeing results from many clinical trials, and hopefully good ones, ranging in everything from rotator cuff problems [in the shoulder] to tennis elbow to Achilles and patellar tendonitis.

You use the word “theory”. What kind of evidence is there that PRP helps heal tendonitis?

We all would like to see more evidence for this therapy. While there is some evidence, we still do not have the type of randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled studies that we would like to see. Most of the early literature has been poorly designed studies so we need better evidence about this treatment going forward. Ultimately we’d all like to see a study where we had 100 people with an Achilles tendonitis, 50 of them were injected with placebo and 50 of them were injected with PRP to really see if there was a difference.

The studies that have been performed have been, “Okay, let’s take 30 people with tennis elbow and let’s inject these 30 people with PRP therapy, and let’s follow them for a month and let’s see how they do.” So you’re just looking at this one population, you’re not comparing it to a control population [that receives an injection with placebo]. The thing about doing PRP therapy is that there are potentially other healers going on. Number one is there’s always potential for some type of placebo effect any time you put a needle in anyway. Number two is when you put a needle into a tendon, like you do for PRP therapy, you are likely to cause some bleeding and this is known to help healing [by bringing in more platelets]. So even by sticking a needle in a tendon and aggravating the tendon, you actually are helping the healing response.

Everyone looks at this one study that came out more than a year ago on tennis elbow but the problem is, it was a cohort study. Some people come in, they already know they want it, or there are patients that have failed other treatments. Any time we talk to anyone about PRP treatment, one of the first things that needs to be said is that, right now, there’s not good evidence to support the treatment.

How could concentrating the platelets that are at the site of injury help healing?

Theoretically, many of the athletes may have a type of tendonitis, [such as] Achilles tendonitis or, say, patellar tendonitis in the knee or tennis elbow. Many of these tendon injuries become chronic, and involve microscopic tearing of the tendon and formation of scar tissue. A reason why it’s difficult to heal these tendon injuries is related to poor blood supply to the region. The perfect example would be the Achilles. It’s a tendon with, in general, a poor blood supply, so when there are these microscopic tears or chronic scarring, the body has a difficult time healing it. The theory is that the body can’t on its own get enough of these healing or growth factors to the area, but now this concentrated platelet injected there just enhances the nutrients and growth factors to allow the body to heal it.

What kinds of athletes have you treated over the last year with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy?

They’ve been runners to basketball players to football players to collegiate competitive cheerleaders, a lacrosse player and a soccer player.

DNA Wellness and Longevity Institute

26800 S Tamiami Trail #370
Bonita Springs, FL 34134

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