The DNA for Longevity


O-Shot is short for Orgasm Shot.

Vampire Breast Lift Certified Provider
The O shot uses a clinically proven technique called platelet rich plasma PRP therapy to rejuvenate a badge of tissues and enhance sexual pleasure. The platelets immediately activate the bodies of localized stem cells and begin rejuvenating and revitalizing vaginally an clitoral function. This rejuvenation process helps women experience orgasms with sexual intercourse and increases the strength of the orgasms. This not only helps women feel empowered and confident in their sexual identity but when women reach climax a substance known as oxytocin is released in the body which reduces stress and gives an enhanced sense of well-being.
Vampire Breast Lift Certified Provider

Benefits include

  • There is no downtime the patient can immediately resume normal activities
  • There are no drugs or toxins involved
  • The procedure is completed in office with a visit of approximately one hour
  • The effects are long-lasting between nine and 18 months depending on the individual
  • Urinary inconsistency is treated or reversed
  • Sexual libido is increased as is the intensity of orgasms
What is PRP

PRP is a portion of your blood that contains healing elements and growth factors. To create PRP your own blood is drawn and the platelets and growth factors are separated with a special FDA approved centrifuge. Using a proprietary technique the PRP is injected into an area around the contortionist and vagina that is critical to sexual pleasure. Women express little to no pain as the area is thoroughly numbed with a potent anesthetic cream. The O shot brings back the body memory of awesome premenopausal orgasms and helps women reconnect with their own sexy.

Women were frustrated with low sex drive experience need to discover the latest advancement in sexual rejuvenation for women the O shot also known as the orgasm shot.

This nonsurgical technique is safe and effective to recharge your sex life including restoring desire and enhancing pleasure. The O shot is a highly advanced unique way of using your body’s own natural growth factors to rejuvenate the vagina. It is an ideal treatment for women seeking relief from various forms of sexual dysfunction or stress-related urinary inconsistency.

The upshot is designed to enhance sensitivity in the G spot, labia, and clitoris. Best of all the O shot is a nonsurgical solution that utilizes platelet rich plasma extracted from your own body to promote the body’s natural ability to rejuvenate and repair damaged and aged tissue.

What is platelet rich plasma therapy

Platelet rich plasma PRP is the central ingredient in the O shot in the key component to contributing to the efficacy of the treatment. You’ll receive a painless injection of a proprietary blend of ingredients including platelet rich plasma source from your own blood. The concentrated platelets promote natural healing and regrowth of tissue to restore function and appearance. PRP has been used for decades to help athletes and others address injuries to joints tendons cartilage and other body tissues.

The O shot procedure begins with a simple blood draw. The blood sample is run through a centrifuge to extract the PRP. This extraction is then next to the site are a blend of ingredients to optimize support healing and restore function of the damaged tissue. The local anesthetic cream is applied to the injection site in the vaginally area and carefully administered through an advanced technique to minimize pain and optimize results.

Increased as is the intensity of orgasms

DNA Wellness and Longevity Institute

26800 S Tamiami Trail #370
Bonita Springs, FL 34134

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